Aura Readings & Clearing

An aura is a luminous body of energy that surrounds your physical body, it can effect your mood, emotions, energy and overall vibe.

Each layer of your aura correlates to each of your chakras, the chakras are various energy centers in your body, if these energy centers are blocked you may experience physical, emotional discomforts and an overall sense of heaviness and disconnect from yourself and your body.

Prior to your session we discuss your intentions I then begin the session by connecting to your higher self, then I thoroughly check each layer of your aura and chakras, I see the colors that are not working and communicate information that your higher self shares with mine, I then clear what is not working and call in what is.

Different tools which are energetic signatures are used to further balance your aura and chakras, I then activate healing tools to further support you.

Next steps are given and the session is concluded by a short discussion and suggestions.

After this session the client feels grounded, lighter and balanced, truly lifechanging!


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