
Intuitive healing and mentoring is a personalized journey designed for committed coachable and passionate women and men who are ready to go on a journey of self-discovery and are ready to put who they are and what they need front and center, my services are tailored specifically to the individuals needs and goals.

Intuitive Spiritual Life Mentor

As an intuitive spiritual life mentor I work with my clients to help them better understand themselves and their place in the world. Within a safe environment to explore beliefs and experiences. As an intuitive spiritual life mentor I encourage my clients to tap into their inner wisdom and intuition.

Through intuitive guided sessions I help my clients awaken to their spiritual nature and potential. Connect with the divine within to access the wisdom and guidance that is available to them from this place.

"A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you." Bob Proctor.

Aura/Chakras Clearing Balancing & Healing

Experience profound transformation with my Aura Clearing, Balancing & Healing service, as we remove energetic blockages, restore harmony, and promote holistic well-being.

Inner Child Healing

My service provides a safe and nurturing space to address past traumas and emotional wounds, allowing for deep healing and integration of the inner child's experiences. Through guided techniques and compassionate support, clients can release emotional baggage and rediscover a sense of wholeness and self-empowerment.

Akashic Record Inventory

I offer a profound exploration of one's soul journey, accessing the Akashic Records to gain insights into past experiences, present challenges, and future potentials. Through this transformative process, clients can gain clarity, healing, and guidance to align with their soul's purpose and highest path.

Starting from:

$244 per hour


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